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Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 16.02.2011 15:28von Dirty Diana •

und noch etwas
Mehr zu neuen Anwalt für Dr. Conrad Murray
Der Richter im Fall gegen Dr Conrad Murray hat sich bisher noch nicht dazu geäußert, ob er den neuen Anwalt im Verteidigungsteam zulassen möchte oder ob es einen Interessenkonflikt gibt. Der Anwalt Nareg Gourjian hat einmal beim Verteidigungsteam von Michael Jackson im jahr 2005 gearbeitet. Nun soll er für Dr Conrad Murray vor Gericht ziehen.
Bei einer Anhörung am Dienstag hatte Gourjian gesagt, es gäbe keinen Konflikt.
"Wir haben großen Respekt für Mr. Gourjian, aber es ist unsere Pflicht seine Teilnahme an unserer Vergangenheit in der Vertretung für Herrn Jackson offen zu legen", sagte Geragos 'Anwalt Pat Harris.
Die Anwälte vom Team Geragos haben Michael Jackson 2003 im Prozess wegen Kindesmißbrauches verteidigt. 2004 wurde das Verteidigungsteam mit Thomas Mesereau ersetzt.
Gourjian sagte zu Richter Pastor, er sei "in keiner Weise" in den Fall Michael Jackson involviert gewesen, da er sich hauptsächlich um den Peterson Mordfall gekümmert habe.
Der Richter muß nun entscheiden, ob Gourjians Arbeit für Michael Jackson "im wesentlichen Zusammenhang" den aktuellen Fall zu sehr beeinflusse und ob seine Arbeit als Verteidiger für Murray seinen "ehemaligen Auftraggeber unmittelbar oder mittelbar diskreditiert".
Er verzögert eine Entscheidung bis mehr Fakten durch Geragos erbracht werden können und es eine Antwort Michael Jacksons Nachlassverwaltung gibt.
Mark Geragos soll bei der nächsten Anhörung am 24. Februar 2011 erscheinen.
Quelle: cnn.com & MJFC JAM

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 16.02.2011 23:13von keep-michaeling •

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 02.03.2011 13:16von Dirty Diana •

Gestern gab es wieder einen Termin, wo über den Prozesstermin geredet wurde..
(AP) LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor, insisting on a speedy trial on an involuntary manslaughter charge, appeared headed for a roadblock, with a judge saying Monday he doesn't think they are ready for trial and he may have to delay the planned March 24 start.
"I am extremely distressed about the state of this case and whether the defense is prepared for trial and its obligations to Dr. Murray," said Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor.
Prosecutors urged the judge to delay the start of jury selection, and Pastor asked them to present case law on the matter Wednesday, when he ordered Conrad Murray to appear. The doctor, who has pleaded not guilty, has been absent from the past few hearings under a waiver that allowed him to continue working at his clinics in Texas and Nevada.
Murray's medical license to practice in California has been suspended by Pastor. Defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan told the judge the urgency of getting to trial involves Murray's fear that if it takes too long, Texas and Nevada will lift his medical license as well.
Flanagan also suggested that Murray is running out of money to fund his defense.
"We need to go to trial right away," he said. "We don't have the budget that would let us draw this out."
Flanagan acknowledged, "We are still preparing this case," but said it was normal for evidence to develop even after the trial has begun.
"We will be ready for trial March 24," Flanagan said. "We are not ready today."
Prosecutors objected that they are entitled to receive discovery of defense evidence 30 days before trial starts, a deadline which has already passed. Deputy District Attorney Deborah Brazil said she has received no reports from defense experts or any statements from proposed defense witnesses.
Flanagan angrily complained that the prosecution has not met all of its discovery obligations either.
The judge ordered Brazil and Deputy District Attorney David Walgren to turn over clean digital photos from Jackson's autopsy as well as all of the surveillance tapes recorded at his Bel Air home on June 25, 2009, the day he died of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol and other sedatives.
Pastor said that unless both sides quickly meet their discovery obligations, he will begin issuing sanctions of $1,500 per lawyer per day. The judge said he may have to start holding daily hearings in order to compel discovery.
Among the experts Flanagan said he expects to call is a leading authority on the use propofol. Flanagan said the witness believes Jackson was addicted to the pain killer Demerol and was withdrawing it at the time of his death, which may have complicated his reactions.
Outside court, Flanagan said prosecutors had 20 months to prepare their case while the defense began developing evidence in the past six weeks after a preliminary hearing.
Flanagan said outside court that he believes Pastor can't overrule the speedy trial requirement unless the defense is found unprepared on the day of trial. By then, the judge will have called hundreds of prospective jurors to the courthouse and arranged for extra security. He stressed that arranging for such a high-profile trial is time consuming and complicated.

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 03.03.2011 16:47von Dirty Diana •

Criminal trial delayed for Jackson doctor
LOS ANGELES—Jury selection in the trial of a cardiologist facing criminal charges in the death of Michael Jackson gets under way later this month, but opening statements have been postponed until May.
Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor announced Wednesday that opening statements will begin May 9 after meeting in closed session with Dr. Conrad Murray, his attorneys and prosecutors.
Prosecutors contend Murray gave the singer a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol, which is normally administered in hospital settings.
Murray has pleaded not guilty and his attorneys maintain he did not give Jackson anything that should have killed the singer.
Murray consented to the postponement after his attorneys and prosecutors said they could be ready for his involuntary manslaughter trial by then, a transcript of the closed session meeting shows.
"It is only acceptable to me if this is not strung along over a long period of time," Murray told the judge, according to the transcript. "I don't want to lose my constitutional right to speedy trial."
The Houston-based physician, who has been seeking a speedy trial because of financial difficulties, told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor he understood the delay was necessary to allow both sides to better prepare for trial.
Pastor has repeatedly sparred in recent weeks with Murray's attorneys about why they had not turned over more notes on witnesses and other potential evidence to prosecutors in advance of the trial.
Murray told the judge he would agree to the delay if the screening of prospective jurors begins as scheduled on March 24.
The judge agreed, saying he did not want to lose a jury pool and that a month-long delay might allow potential jurors to re-arrange their schedules for a trial that could last up to two months.
The case is expected to feature testimony from several experts, as well as from people who were in Jackson's rented mansion on the day he died. Both prosecutors and defense attorneys have said they are waiting for reports from experts.
Defense attorneys also reviewed evidence held by the Los Angeles Police Department this week and were trying to view items in the coroner's custody, according to the transcript.
One of Murray's defense attorneys, J. Michael Flanagan, has said one possible defense is the singer drank propofol, which is generally given through an IV drip.
Pastor scheduled a status hearing for March 9.
das kann doch nicht wahr sein

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 04.03.2011 13:39von keep-michaeling •

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 16.03.2011 04:12von Dirty Diana •

Dr. Murray to Cops: Where's the Surveillance Video?
Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team has only received 4 minutes of video from the surveillance cameras capturing the last 24 hours of Michael Jackson's life ... TMZ has learned.
Lawyers for Dr. Murray will go to court Wednesday and ask a judge to order authorities to turn over all of the surveillance videos.
Sources connected to Murray tell TMZ ... the only video the LAPD turned over was from around 12:30 AM the day MJ died ... showing Michael returning to the house after his rehearsal.
Sources connected with Murray claim the cops only downloaded 11 minutes of the video. Murray's lawyers want to see all 24 hours ... particularly who comes in and out of the house in the hours before MJ died.

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 19.04.2011 18:43von Dirty Diana •

Neue Vorwürfe gegen Murray
Laut Prozessakten, die jetzt bekannt wurden, soll der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson so sehr mit seinem eigenen Liebesleben beschäftigt gewesen sein, so dass er sich nicht mehr um das Wohl seines berühmten Patienten kümmern konnte oder wollte.
Durch einige Staatsanwälte könne nun bewiesen werden, dass Dr. Conrad Murray (58) mit drei verschiedenen Frauen SMS-Nachrichten austauschte und Telefonate geführt haben soll, während Jackson im Sterben lag.
Ein Telefonat mit einer Cocktail-Kellnerin soll 11 Minuten gedauert haben und endete genau dann, als er realisierte, das Michael nicht mehrt atmete.
Neben der ihm vorgeworfenen Vernachlässigung brach der Arzt außerdem seine Schweigepflicht, in dem er versuchte seine Affären damit zu beeindrucken, dass er der persönliche Leibarzt von Popstar Michael Jackson sei und gab andere vertrauliche Informationen an die Frauen weiter.
Bridgette Morgan, eine Frau die er 2003 in einem Club kennen lernte, erzählt, dass sie den Arzt zwei Jahre lang getroffen habe und auch zu dem damaligen Zeitpunkt noch in Kontakt mit ihm stand. Sie bestätigte, dass sie mit Murray drei Wochen vor Jackson’s Tod Mittagessen war und er ihr erzählt habe, dass der Sänger sein Patient wäre. Außerdem gibt sie zu, am Tag von Jackson’s Tod mit Murray telefoniert zu haben.
Dr. Conrad Murray, der auf nicht schuldig plädiert, wird wegen fahrlässiger Tötung und Weitergabe von Narkosemitteln wie Propofol beschuldigt.
Quelle: klatsch-tratsch.de & MJFC JAM

RE: Livestreams bzw. Berichte ....
in Prozess Forum 07.11.2011 17:30von Seelen*Stern •

Auch dort kann man den Prozess verfolgen..
Wenn Du bei Nacht den Himmel anschaust, wird es dir sein, als lachten alle Sterne,
weil ich auf einem von ihnen wohne, weil ich auf einem von ihnen lache. Du allein wirst Sterne haben, die lachen können!
(A. de Saint-Exupéry)

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