Maybe Katherine should rethink putting the mother of her grandchildren out of the family home.
Michael Jackson's brother, Jermaine Jackson has gotten his driver's license taken. According to reports Jackson owes nearly $100,000 in back child support.
TMZ reports the singer will not receive his license until he pays $91,921.55 in child support. Jackson was to pay $5,000 a month for his two children, Jaafar and Jermajesty.
Recently it was reported that Katherine Jackson is planning to evict the mother of Randy Jackson's and Jermaine Jackson's children. Jackson has two children with the mother, which he is behind in child support payments for.
The L.A. County Child Support Services Department says, Jermaine's monthly income is less than the monthly required child support payments. Jackson's monthly income is $1,448 per month; however, he never filed the documents showing his income.
Jermaine Jackson is lucky. In some states the punishment is harder when you fail to pay child support. In some states you go to jail for being behind in child support payments. It's a good thing he is in Los Angeles, because in Chicago he would be sitting in a jail cell. Katherine Jackson should really reconsider not putting the mother of her son's children out of the house, at least until Jermaine can deliver.