in Jackson Street
25.02.2011 10:42
• | 81 Beiträge | 81 Punkte
Ich bin der Meinung das Katherine einfach mit allem überfordert ist und daher einfach das tut zu dem man ihr rät.-....
"Wir können der Welt helfen ohne Angst zu leben. Es ist unsere Hoffnung, und ohne Hoffnung sind wir verloren."(MJ 2002)
Herr Jackson, Sie sind vollständig rehabilitiert. Sie sind ein freier Mann. Diese Worte werden von nun an bestimmt zu vielen Anlässen zitiert und wiederholt werden, Worte für die Ewigkeit.“ – Rodney Melville, 2005
in Jackson Street
25.02.2011 18:06
Dirty Diana
• | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte
UPDATE : Hier ist das Video vom Interview
Michael Jackson's Kids Continue Dad's Philanthropic Work
Michael Jackson's three children are continuing their late father's philanthropic legacy - they visited struggling families at a homeless help organization on Wednesday, February 23.
The King of Pop devoted much of his time and money to charities across the world, and founded the Heal the World Foundation in 1992, providing funds to benefit a variety of causes, including drug and alcohol abuse education and disadvantaged children.
Now the superstar's kids Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 12, and eight-year-old Blanket have picked up their dad's work for the needy, paying a visit to a Los Angeles-based charity which helps homeless families, according to U.S. breakfast show "Good Morning America".
Reporter Robin Roberts was granted special access to interview the singer's children and their grandmother Katherine Jackson for a GMA special, which will air on Friday, February 25. During the chat, Katherine reveals the kids have "adjusted pretty well" to life without their beloved father.
Asked about their plans for the future, Prince tells Roberts, "I guess continue what our dad was doing." And Paris, who has previously expressed her desire to become an actress, is already planning to test her skills onstage. She adds, "I'm thinking about auditioning for a play next week."