
La Toya schreibt über Michaels Tod

in Jackson Street 17.06.2011 22:18
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

Zwei Jahre nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson (†50) hat dessen Schwester La Toya Jackson (55) in einem Buch ihre Gedanken dazu aufgeschrieben. Die erste Frage, die ihr bei der Nachricht durch den Kopf geschossen sei, sei gewesen: „Wer hat Michael getötet?“

Ihr Buch „Starting Over“ wird in den USA in der kommenden Woche veröffentlicht. Am 25. Juni 2009 starb Michael. La Toya Jackson schreibt, ihr Bruder habe oft gesagt, dass man ihn wegen seines Vermögens und Musikkatalogs umbringen werde. Über seine letzten Tage habe sie in Gesprächen mit seinen Kindern mehr erfahren. Michaels Tochter Paris habe ihr gesagt: „Daddy war immer kalt und hat immer geweint.“

Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray (58) habe „ausweichend und mit Ausreden“ reagiert, als sie ihn wegen des Todes ihres Bruders durch eine Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol zur Rede gestellt habe. Murray, der der fahrlässigen Tötung angeklagt ist, hat sich als nicht schuldig bezeichnet. Sein Prozess soll im September beginnen. (dapd)


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RE: La Toya schreibt über Michaels Tod

in Jackson Street 27.06.2011 22:29
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

Eine Übersicht/ Zusammenfassung von LaToya´s Buch

Here's the summary . I tried to focus on stuff related to Michael.


- She didn’t want to write her first book , Jack Gordon made her do it.
- Jack Gordon controlled her for a decade.
- 2003 interview with Larry King made her want to help other women in the same situation.
- 2007/2008 she decides to write the book she wants to tell her family first so that they don’t get the wrong idea. Before she can Michael calls Katherine and says to her that Randy told her that Latoya was writing a book and Katherine says to Michael not to believe Randy.

Chapter 1: He's Going to Kill You

- 1993 incident of Gordon beating her.
- She says Michael knew Gordon was dangerous through Dileo and few years ago warned her that he’s going to kill her.
- She says Michael was frightened of Gordon.

Chapter 2: I Wish I Could Have Your Life

- Talks about how no one from outside knew or saw the abuse she received
- Talks about meeting Jack Gordon
- She talks about her JW raising made her trusting people
- Insert Michael going door to door as JW
- Talks about how Gordon started to work for Joe, how she wanted to be independent and leave Joe’s management and how Gordon became her manager.

Chapter 3: Illusions of Freedom

- She calls Joe a good starter manager.
- 1987 trip to Japan was Gordon her manager.
- Gordon takes her passport and controls her.
- Insert Michael she says that she believed Michael went through the same things as her and became a victim as wolves targeted and exploited him. Again effects of religious beliefs mentioned.

Chapter 4: A Smile for the Public

- Talks about mind games that Gordon was playing with her such as beating her ant hen saying that he didn’t beat her.
- Believes that Gordon gave her mind-altering drugs
- Blames her live performances on Gordon because he didn’t let her practice on them as he was afraid that she would talk yo other people and tell them what was happening.

Chapter 5: A Brave Voice Silenced

- Talks about how she tried to tell other people what happened
- She told Gordon beating her to Amir Bayyan from Kool and the Gang, he came to her hotel room with some guys to take her, she didn’t go.
- She told to a TV personality who didn’t believe her and told to Gordon what she said
- Tito confronted Gordon.

Chapter 6: The Man Behind the Monster

- Gordon’s background was in brothels , born in one and owned several of them later on
- Talks about his business deals and her beliefs that he had ties to mobs (later says there was no evidence of such)
- FBI interviews her some time later about this mob ties and tell her that they had been smuggling diamonds and drugs using her to bypass airport security

Chapter 7: Torn from the Nest

- Talks about how Gordon distances her from her family
- Mentions Katherine’s suspicions
- Gordon badmouths Katherine calling her “not saint”, bad mouths Michael calling him “nothing”.
- Latoya talks about Michael “closest thing to God”, “unique”, “had incredible gift”, “perfect instincts” had “sensitivity and compassion”.
- Insert story of buying Neverland
- 1987 Michael is able to get a call through her although Gordon limited their communication for her to come and be in TWYMMF video. Says she was supposed to be the lead girl in video but Katherine said it was inappropriate for her to be Michael’s love interest again. Oh and apparently she was to be the lead girl in Thriller video and again it was vetoed by Katherine.
- Compares Dileo to Gordon and their controlling style of management. reportedly Dileo said “ All I have to do is wind Michael up, point him in the direction I want him to go and he does it”.
- 1988 Donald Trump wants to do shows with Michael in Atlantic city, asks for Gordon and Latoya to broker the deal. Gordon forced her to get Michael to commit, Michael would say he’d do it but phone line goes dead. Dileo calls and says he’s not doing the shows. Dileo poisoned Michael against Gordon.
- Mentions Michael was also being isolated from family, says that Bill Bray was keeping people away and says she doesn’t believe it was Michael’s wish , she says Dileo was doing it.
-1992 Hannover, she goes to meet with Michael and Katherine. Gordon goes to convince Michael of Atlantic city deal. “Even though my brother weighted almost nothing, he danced with such energy”
- She can’t bring herself telling Michael about abuse.
- Gordon makes her ask Michael about Atlantic city shows , Michael gives a vague answer about competing egos. Few weeks later Michael calls her and says Frank says that Gordon is tied to gangsters and even if one doesn’t get paid they would kill him. ( odd: a few pages before she mentions Dileo’s 89 firing , she doesn’t know the reason but says that Michael said her he didn’t trust Dileo the least bit )
- Then comes the phone call she mentioned in the beginning of the book that Michael said her to get away from Gordon or Gordon would kill her.
- Gordon convinces her that Katherine was trying to kill her.


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