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Dr Freeze Interview -- next MJ album ???
in Michael - News & Talk 30.01.2011 00:43von keep-michaeling •

hier handelt es sich um ein mehr teiliges Interview.... die einzelnen Teile werden täglich gepostet!
ach ja, die Übersetzung ist... so naja ....
While many fans are very interested in appropriations for each album of Michael Jackson, some go further in their approach. Thus, four members of the forum MJFrance managed to get in touch with Elliott Straits best known under the name of Dr. Freeze, ie the producer of " Break Of Dawn "(Invincible)," A Place With No Name "or" Blue Gangsta ".
Dr. Freeze has worked in the studio with Michael Jackson and book in an exclusive interview very interesting news just for you. And enter more deeply into the secret recordings of the King of Pop when he discovered this three-part interview. Part one today titled: Dr. Freeze made revelations about the next album ...
Quagmire: I'm eager to hear how you began working with Michael Jackson and how he contacted you.
Dr. Freeze: I knew his manager, John McClain, and I was working on an album with my partners, Spydermann. After completing the album, it did not go as planned and we had to cancel the exit. I was very upset. And then John McClain said, "Do not worry Freeze. I have another project for you. I'll be in business with Michael. "I said:" Michael ... who? "and he said:" Michael Jackson! "I did not believe it at first and I thought it was crazy. And then one day I was on the phone with my father and someone called me on the other line ... and it was Michael! That's how it all began. I had some songs and I made to Michael. He adored them! Because Michael and I, we have a sound very close. So every time I proposed something, it was easy for him to study the song because it was as if he already knew. I asked him songs and he adored. He cherished them. That's how we met.
Q: Speaking of "Break Of Dawn " , which is a great song. I think that's one of the most sensual songs he has ever made and that's what I wanted to hear Michael. I do not know if you know, this is the first time he talks about making love in a song. I do not know if you had addressed this very issue with him?
F: (laughs) Yeah, thank you. It was his favorite song was his baby .
Q: Do you remember the exact number of songs that you have presented?
F: I introduced him to many songs. The main songs on which we worked are "Break Of Dawn", "A Place With No Name" and "Blue Gangsta". These three songs were our priorities. "Break Of Dawn" is one of the songs that have been finalized. Others have been released later. They are kept in reserve.
Q: So you suggest songs and Michael said if you liked a particular song. As I understand, he loved every Break Of Dawn, and from there he decided to focus on this particular song. What happened next?
F: We were recording, we changed the studio, we re-register, we recorded more songs. You know, "A Place With No Name" and "Gangsta Blue" were recorded at the same time. There are also some others I can not speak for now. But other songs were recorded. We saved a lot but these three songs were our three main objectives.
Q: What was your mindset in the first day in studio with him? How did you feel?
F: It was pretty scary for me! I felt to be back in primary school and not knowing anything about the production! Michael I relearned everything. The other producers and I were as students face a teacher. With Michael, it was as if we knew nothing more to our business: we had to start over and relearn everything. He taught us to do everything the best way possible: Michael was a perfectionist and we had to start from scratch to produce the music for the best possible way. I was very nervous, very nervous but very honored! Anyway, Michael was more nervous with you than you were with him. It was simply the most wonderful people with whom you could never dream of working together. It was great! He knew all about the music industry, everything about everything, nothing was foreign to him, and he taught me a lot. Finally, he was very humble and creative. It was really great to work with him.
Q: You have therefore proposed his "Break Of Dawn", and then you had to redo the song in full by following his advice?
F: No, he just had to record vocals ... and add his magic! It was like flowers and trees grew in the song! He touched her and it became magical! I was shocked!
Q: So all the musical parts and the lyrics were made in advance?
F: Yes, he loved the song! He wanted to leave it as is! All I had done on this piece, no one had the right to change anything. Because it sounded like he had heard the first time we had a dream, a vision, and he wanted to recreate this dream in song to the last detail. He did not want to change anything, he wanted to keep the magic of the song absolutely intact. What you hear on Invincible is exactly the version I've given him before he raises his voice there.
Q: How long did it take him to record the song?
F: It took him time because he wanted a lot of momentum in the voice, especially the harmony you hear in the chorus. It took time. Process studio was as long if we was spinning film!
Q: At that time, he also worked on other songs for Invincible ?
F: Yes .
Q: So he was taken to record his voice, listening to them, arranged them, started working on other songs, then returned a few days later to make additional catch?
F: Yes, it was incremental work. Sometimes he recorded the lead vocals, sometimes it was just the chorus or adlib ... He also listened to the different mixes and changed some details in here and there. He was in full creative process. We wanted song either perfect and return to my analogy on cinema he was like filmmaker seeking improve his film making evolve script or changing actors. This type of process it has used to create this song, and overall, the album Invincible .
Q: So basically, he changed a verse, started work on another song, and a few days later, he came to you to change the song again?
F: Yes. When he returned changes were made and ideas were proposed, he listened attentively. It also arose at times and arranged two or three things. Ultimately, all decisions were his. It was the boss. It was open to any criticism or suggestions beneficial to the song, as it kept its effectiveness. All that interested him was to have hits in power.
Q: Who had the idea of taking "A Horse With No Name" group America?
F: That's me. Again, I did all the music, and he only had to learn the lyrics. It was at the same time as Break Of Dawn, but it is not extended and continued to work on it later. It has improved gradually.
Q: Was it planned for the album Invincible or another project?
F: Initially it was planned for Invincible, yes. It is not out on this album and was therefore kept in reserve as "Blue Gangsta".
Q: Compared to the extract leaked on the Internet, can we expect differences mixing?
F: Yes, what you heard is an old mix. One you'll soon hear is completely new .
Q: You said "soon"? I am willing to learn more!
F: "A Place With No Name" and "Blue Gangsta". will both be on the next album of Michael. "A Place With No Name" will be different from the leak on the internet, it will be updated. For "Blue Gangsta" I rerecorded the instrumental. So expect changes .
Q: Did you have completed this song with Michael in his lifetime?
F: Absolutely, it had been finalized .
Q: What were your feelings about Michael when you got to know a bit more in the studio?
F: It taught me not only to create a song correctly, but it also gave me advice on the music industry as a whole. My main feeling is that he was an absolute genius. I was fortunate to learn from one of the greatest. I try to apply his advice in the projects I undertake today: I try to keep alive the artistic spirit of Michael Jackson. It's like if I graduated from college musical "Michael Jackson". Anyway, getting back to your question, the word "feeling" is too low. There is no word strong enough to describe what I learned and lived with the King of Pop.
Q: Do you have any anecdotes about your studio sessions?
F: Not really. I had great fun working with him. Michael was someone who loved you make funny jokes. It really spoke to any set, video games, etc.. Then resumed his work, the lesson resumed. We were amazed at its performance. It happened like that.
Q: he warmed up with a lot vocally record the song?
F: Anyone who is warm, either in sports or singing. We never saw him do his vocal exercises before us, but when he came into the studio to record, he stood before the microphone and set fire to the song. As he left, the studio was in ashes and our jaws on the floor. It was really impressive to see .

RE: Dr Freeze Interview -- next MJ album ???
in Michael - News & Talk 30.01.2011 00:45von keep-michaeling •

Teil 2
Exclusive Interview: Dr. Freeze found the title of an unpublished ...
Here is the result of the exclusive interview of Elliott Straits best known under the name of Dr. Freeze, producer of "Break Of Dawn" (Invincible), "A Place With No Name" or "Blue Gangsta".
Dr. Freeze has worked in the studio with Michael Jackson and book in an exclusive interview very interesting news just for you. And enter more deeply into the secret recordings of the King of Pop when he discovered this three-part interview. Second part today titled: Dr. Freeze found the title of an unpublished ...
Quagmire: As I said earlier, "Break Of Dawn" contains very specific words. It's very sensual and it's the first time he talks about making love. How did he feel over this when you made the recordings, in what state of mind was he? Were there any special wishes during these sessions?
Dr. Freeze: No, he just told me he loved the song. I do not give him orders, he knew exactly what to do. He took control of the plane, I'm just busy taking off.
Q: Basically, he said: "Go we do what verse again, Ell ..." By the way, is what you called Elliot?
F: No, he always called "Freeze"!
Q: And you, you immediately called by his first name?
F: Absolutely! We were really close. In fact, to be precise, I called him by his nickname "Mike" instead of Michael.
Q: You mentioned video games earlier. Do you remember the video games you play with him at that time?
F: In his house there were lots of video games. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and also Flight Simulator. We spent a lot of time playing it.
Q: You were playing in the studio or you go to Neverland?
F: Yes, I went to Neverland, to relax and work. We worked a lot there. He had a studio at the ranch. So it was working there and sometimes he would say: "Come on, we paused Freeze! Go a little fun, go into the projection room, go to an attraction or will you walk in the zoo!" Neverland was a bit like a second home to me.
Q: I did not know you worked at Neverland! It's interesting because we do not have many details on the studio of Neverland. Was it a professional studio?
F: Yes, completely, it was a lot of professional equipment, Pro Tools, stuff like that, you know?
Q: Did he use it alone?
F: Absolutely, Michael was unbeatable when we were talking about the studio.
Q: Actually, we know he could not really play an instrument, so we always wondered if he was able to record anything on his own without the help of an engineer or producer.
F: He could do everything himself. You know, Michael was truly a "living instrument". He could play some chords on a keyboard, he was doing pretty good. He also knew programmed beats.
Q: Getting back to "Break of Dawn", can you tell us why Michael Jackson does not sing the chorus of this song?
F: Well, because he liked my version of the chorus. He found it very beautiful, and he wanted to leave everything as is. He liked my singing. He would not spoil, he loved how I had saved. My trademark is to make the chorus to every song that I produced ("Poison," "I Want to Sex You Up"). I've been doing this forever, and Michael loved my singing on "Break of Dawn".
Q: Where does your inspiration come to us for the songs "Break Of Dawn", "Blue Gangsta" and "A Place With No Name"? How does your creative process?
F: "Break Of Dawn" is just a romantic ballad that I wrote one day. For "Blue Gangsta" I wanted to make a new "Smooth Criminal". Something more modern and rooted in the 2000s. It was the idea. "A Place With No Name" is itself a kind of escape, a song where you just close your eyes to find you instantly into a wonderful world. In fact, this song was inspired by "A Horse With No Name" group America. The lyrics of this song are very deep. I wanted to refresh it, make a version of the 2000s.
Q: Did you have obtained the rights to the band quickly? Did you ask permission?
F: Oh absolutely, the group America has loved the idea. They found this "update" absolutely terrific. They were really excited about this project. Compared to the extract leaked on the internet, many wonderful items were added to the song by Michael. It's more dense, much denser. Believe me, when you hear it, you take your foot!
Q: So you do not touch it, it will emerge as you had finalized with him?
F: The song will be released the latest version on which we worked. It will be drastically different from the extract (July 2009) and more enormous. In fact, this song is very cinematic in its form. It would have been a perfect song for a movie like Avatar because it shows us a wonderful world it strange, where people are different, but happy. This song is like an escape from everyday life is a song where one is literally transported.
Q: About "Blue Gangsta" remix was done by Tempamental as "No Friend Of Mine" ...
F: This is not the name of the song, it's just the chorus that contains these few words. The real title is "Blue Gangsta". When I heard this remix, I could not believe it. Many people called me because of that and I do not understand what had happened. The concern is that I do not even know who released the song! It remains a mystery. Why did they do that? Where did this rap song? How were they taken? In fact, we knew nothing about this story, me or Michael. We really do not understand where this leak came ...
Q: There are still a few weeks, nobody knew too what was the real origin of this song, and how Michael Jackson had been involved in this project.
F: Yeah, I know it's crazy. The name of the song was not even good! [Dr. Freeze humming the chorus of the song on the phone: "You is not no friend of mine, could you put me through, I'm the blue gangsta nah."] Was just the chorus. This highlights the ignorance of people who are causing the leaks on the internet: they take the song and put it online without knowing its origin.
Q: For fans, it did not really understand what it could be proposed. It was weird. We suspected that something was amiss, but we did not know exactly what ...
F: Yes, the song was not presented to the public as needed. A guy has just stolen the song, added a rap, and swung on the net. I was not even credited, any more than Michael! She just landed here without any logical explanation ...
Q: Have you done other songs with Michael Jackson, other than these three?
F: We did some other songs, I do not think we've finalized anything. I'm not sure I can tell you much more.
Q: Overall, how did you write songs for Michael?
F: Oh, about thirty, and I had to save five or six can be with him.
Q: And you have these songs in your possession today?
F: Most of his novel are in the coffers now. We have no control over. They keep everything in the chests.
Q: So the estate (the Estate) who cares?
F: Yes, absolutely. John McClain is responsible for it.
Q: It's the boss!
F: Yes, boss!
Q: Were you able to hear new songs?
F: Yes, I could listen to most of them. But I can not say anything, sorry. I'm not allowed to disclose anything.
Q: We can play a little game instead. I give you the names of songs, and you tell me whether or not you've heard. Have you heard "Escape"?
F: "Escape"? That tells me nothing.
Q: "Fear," "Face", it tells you something?
F: No, nothing at all
Q: Have you listened to "Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
F: I heard the studios.
Q: "Crack Kills"?
F: Never heard of it.
Q: The "gloved One"?
F: No.
Q: Actually, it would be easier if you give us some names ... Could you give us the name of an unreleased track that you particularly marked and talk a little?
F: There's a song we made together, but I do not know if he has completed his vocal parts. It's called "Rise Above It All". It's a song I wrote and on which we worked.
Q: What was she talking about?
F: It's an upbeat song. If you feel bad, what's going wrong in the world, be positive and try to be as happy as possible, leaving aside all the negative things. Overcome negativity room, go beyond the woes of the world, all wars, the starving children and all the bad things. Assemble yourselves, hold your hand, raise your hands to heaven and pass it all. It's a little theme song. I can not say whether he had recorded the song, but in any case, we worked on it. There are other songs on which they collaborated. Most of these songs are mid-tempo, but I can not say anything more.
Quelle: siehe Teil1

RE: Dr Freeze Interview -- next MJ album ???
in Michael - News & Talk 30.01.2011 00:47von keep-michaeling •

dritter und letzter Teil
Exclusive Interview: Dr. Freeze to the book: "Meet Michael was like meeting with Captain Kirk!"
Here is the result of the exclusive interview of Elliott Straits best known under the name of Dr. Freeze, producer of "Break Of Dawn" (Invincible), "A Place With No Name" or "Blue Gangsta".
Dr. Freeze has worked in the studio with Michael Jackson and book in an exclusive interview very interesting news just for you. And enter more deeply into the secret recordings of the King of Pop when he discovered this three-part interview. Third party today titled: Dr. Freeze to the book: "Meet Michael was like meeting with Captain Kirk!"
Quagmire: Have you talked with John McClain of songs that you recorded with Michael and what he intended to do?
Dr. Freeze: No. It's hard to go directly into contact with John McClain, he is very busy. The subject has not yet been addressed.
Q: How do you know if "A Place With No Name" and "Blue Gangsta" will be on the next album?
F: That I know. It's confirmed.
Q: Great, we look forward to that! Do you intend to edit the song "Blue Gangsta", the refresh?
F: Actually, it already has for "Blue Gangsta". I have "refreshed", the song is completed, ready to go. It will be completely different from the version leaked on the net. It is perfectly calibrated to enter a nightclub. It sounds very European in style productions of Kraftwerk.
Q: Will you keep the base of the song? [Quagmire he sings an excerpt]
F: Absolutely, everything is the same, but it sounds more modern.
Q: You've accelerated the pace?
F: No, no. Everything is exactly the same.
Q: [confused] Okay. So to summarize, you've just added a few extra sounds and made some alterations to the "cool"?
F: Exactly. To make an analogy, it's like if you had shot a movie and then you take it out in 3D.
Q: Do you Shoot your recording sessions?
F: No, no cameras were allowed. You know, he disliked being photographed and being filmed in the studio. Therefore, it was forbidden.
Q: Earlier in the interview, you said he was programming beats and played the keyboard in front of you. You can tell us more?
F: Sometimes, it naturally created songs, and when he did hear me, I was stunned. Essentially, it was just ideas thrown here and there, depending on the emotion in which he stood. It was in the creative process and he loved it. From dusk till dawn, he created sounds, melodies, harmonies. It was quite an experience to live for me. I learned a lot from him.
Q: In what studios save you this time?
F: We recorded in several studios. Sometimes in New York, sometimes in California. We spent much time at the ranch. In fact, the choice depended mainly on the studio where it was geographically. We went through the Hit Factory in New York, and memory "Record One" in Los Angeles. We also used the studio of John McClain and was recorded at Neverland.
Q: Are there any catches recorded at Neverland, which were used in the final mix of a song?
F: For my records, all from major studios. But he has recorded songs with other producers to Neverland. Unfortunately, I can not tell you exactly what songs. Ah yes, I remember a song that is present on his latest album. It's called "Hollywood" I believe, and I remember he had worked on at Neverland.
Q: So he worked on other projects when you were there?
F: Yes, he was working on other songs. He sometimes asked me my opinion. Sometimes I work so sometimes a bit with him. But hey, I was not alone. There were some other producers who were with him as well.
Q: When you have finished the sessions with him, did you know that were finished or did you expect that he'll get back to work on other songs?
F: Since we started recording together, I knew that I would dedicate myself totally. I only wanted to work with anyone other than Michael. I had promised never to work with anyone else. It was a full time job: I worked with him for years. I was in the studio with him shortly before his death.
Q: You were in the studio with him just before his death?
F: Actually, we talked a lot and we were about to enter the studio. To be precise, I remember going to see him at his residence in Vegas, and there was a studio there. It was just before he leaves.
Q: You recorded something?
F: No, nothing was recorded, we just brainstormed. We were about to start recording sessions: one was ready and we prepared the equipment for the studio. I offered a few new songs I had written especially for him. He loved them very much, he wanted to save them, but he died.
Q: You had he talked about his upcoming album? You had said when he wanted it out?
F: No, we never discussed this issue.
Q: Back to "Blue Gangsta", did you get the idea of the accordion and whistles at the Ennio Morricone?
F: Yes. I had the idea of ringing, it comes from the movie "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" [he whistles the melody the phone]. As I said, I wanted to make a new "Smooth Criminal". It was our objective: "the new Smooth Criminal."
Q: Do you remember your impression when you first met? Was it as you imagined? Were you surprised or disappointed by the character?
F: I knew that Michael was the most humble people you could meet. He was my best friend, the most beautiful meeting of my life. It's like a meeting with Captain Kirk frankly, who does not meet Captain Kirk? This fictional character was cool, friendly and it was a nice guy. And although Michael was a bit like that. As you can imagine, I am a true fan of Star Trek, and that's why I speak of Captain Kirk ... Meet Michael, was a bit like if I met Captain Kirk, it was just unbelievable. Today, there are more stars with the same aura. I was really amazed when I met him and my parents are very proud of me: not only have I managed to work with the King of Pop, but it was not limited to a mere professional relationship. I became his friend, his best friend. I love him to death, even today. We were like brothers, very close, so yeah, to summarize, my meeting with Michael, it was as if I had become friendly with Captain Kirk!
Q: Michael is universally recognized as the greatest artists. You met him and you became one of his friends. Do you have any anecdotes about him we would not know?
F: It was incredible, a genius. She was an angel, is also why his name was Michael. Yeah, it was truly an angel.
Q: Did he have specific hardware demands for records, such as microphones or instruments accurate? Were there any special requirements?
F: No, he did not care as it sounded good. He could sing something in his notebook and save it like that, it did not bother him as it was a good melody or a tube power.
Q: Do you remember the microphone used for "Break Of Dawn"?
F: No. We were in so many studios ... It's a question you should ask for sound engineers: they each had their own equipment and I do not remember exactly what they had.
Q: What engineers have participated in your recording sessions?
F: From memory, there was Prince Michael, Brad and Mike Dean Buxer. There was also Bruce Swedien, of course. I have not worked directly with him but I know him very well, it's very cool. Another genius.
Q: Has he completed some of your songs, or you finalize everything alone, mix included?
F: There are engineers who have reworked some songs. I do not know who made the final mixes. I would have asked John McClain ... I do not know who worked on these songs with Michael, I was not physically present.
Q: What is the thing you most impressed with Michael, artistically speaking?
F: Michael loved his fans, he loved his music and he loved making music for his fans. He liked to give love and joy to people. It was his mission. He was very dedicated and loyal. It was something he wanted to do, or that he had to do. He loved people from the depths of his soul. And when he made this music, he did for us.
Q: What is your favorite album by Michael?
F: I love them all. With Michael Jackson, it is impossible to have a favorite song or album. However, when I was a kid, my favorite song was "Rock With You". I found it really amazing ... Yeah, it was definitely one of my favorites.
Q: Do you remember your last discussion with Michael?
F: We were just about to record the new album and when he heard my songs, he told me to send them out as quickly as possible abroad. He liked my new productions. This was our last discussion. He said "I love you" and voila, it was over.
Q: What did you mean by "abroad" just now?
F: The music I'm currently out abroad. I'm Michael's instructions to the letter. He told me to take this album I realized right now and selling it abroad, and that's what I do. You know, he really knew something about business, so I follow his advice. So, here is an info that I reveal exclusive: my album coming soon!
Q: When will he?
F: We consider the single release in spring 2011. It's called "We Are The Robots".
Q: That's great! Thank you for your generosity and for as long as you have given us. All our good wishes for your future projects.
F: Thank you.

RE: Dr Freeze Interview -- next MJ album ???
in Michael - News & Talk 30.01.2011 17:43von Dirty Diana •

Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Hoehepunkte
Vier Mitglieder des Fanforums MJ France haben Elliot Straits kontaktiert, besser bekannt als Dr. Freeze (Produzent von “Break of Dawn”, “A Place With No Name” und “Blue Gangsta”). In diesem ersten Teil des Interviews spricht Dr. Freeze (hier ein Bild mit MJ) über seinen ersten Kontakt mit Michael Jackson, ihre Zusammenarbeit im Studio und das nächste Album (!).
Hier einige der Höhepunkte des Interviews: “Michael machte die Aufwärmübungen für seine Stimme nie vor uns, aber wenn er ins Studio kam, um einen Song aufzunehmen, stand er vor dem Mikrophon und steckte den Song in Brand. Wenn er aus dem Raum ging, war das Studio in Asche und unsere Kiefer waren am Boden”, erzählte Dr. Freeze. Betreffend die Zusammenarbeit an „Break of Dawn“ stellte Dr. Freeze klar, dass Michael nichts am Song geändert hatte. Die Version, die auf dem „Invincible“ Album zu hören ist, ist die ursprüngliche Version, die Dr. Freeze Michael gegeben hatte. Michael musste „nur“ seine Vocals aufnehmen und seinen Zauber hinzufügen: „Er berührte den Song und er wurde magisch! Ich war schockiert!“ Zudem gab Dr. Freeze bekannt, dass „A Place With No Name“ und „Blue Gangsta“ (Youtube Links) – beide Songs ursprünglich auch für das „Invincible“ Album geplant – auf dem nächsten MJ Album sein werden. „A Place With No Name“ wird in einer anderen, aktualisierten Version sein als derjenigen, die im Internet rauskam. Und für „Blue Gangsta“ hat Dr. Freeze die Instrumentals neu aufgenommen. Dr. Freeze wurde gefragt, ob er „Blue Gangsta“ mit Michael während seiner Lebzeiten fertig gestellt hat und seine Antwort lautete: „Absolut; [der Song] war fertig.“
Das Interview kann in seiner Ganzheit hier gelesen werden.
Quelle: mjfrance.com

RE: Dr Freeze Interview -- next MJ album ???
in Michael - News & Talk 03.02.2011 16:13von Dirty Diana •

Teil 2
Hier kann der zweite Teil des Interviews von Michael Jackson France mit Dr. Freeze gelesen weden. Unter anderen wird näher auf die Lieder „Blue Gangsta“ (Michael und Dr. Freeze beabsichtigten damit, den neuen „Smooth Criminal“ Song zu machen), „A Place With No Name“ sowie ein weiterer Song, an dem die beiden zusammen gearbeitet hatten, "Rise Above It All", eingegangen. Für den 1. Teil des Interviews siehe News vom 30.1.
und Teil 3
02.02.2011: Interview von MJ France mit Dr. Freeze (Teil 3)
Im dritten und letzten Teil des Interviews bestätigte Dr. Freeze unter anderem, dass es bereits mit dem MJ Estate abgesprochen ist, dass „Blue Gangsta“ und „A Place With No Name“ auf dem zweiten posthumen Michael Jackson Album erscheinen werden. Betreffend die aktuelle und finale Version von „Blue Gangsta“ ergänzte Dr. Freeze, dass der Rhythmus der ursprünglichen Version beibehalten, aber der Song für die heutige Zeit angepasst worden sei. Es wäre etwa so, wie wenn aus einem bestehenden 2D-Film neu eine 3D-Version gemacht worden wäre.
MJ France fragte Dr. Freeze noch näher dazu, wie es war, Michael Jackson (zum ersten Mal) zu begegnen: „Nun ich bin ein grosser Star Trek Fan... Michael zu treffen war somit für mich ein bisschen, wie wenn ich [Captain] Kirk treffen würde – einfach unglaublich. Heute gibt es keine Stars mehr mit dieser Aura... Ich liebe ihn so sehr, auch heute noch.“ Was ihn an Michael so beeindruckte, war, wie sehr er seine Fans liebte und seine Musik und er liebte es, Musik für seine Fans zu machen. Ferner hielt Dr. Freeze fest: „[Michael] liebte es, den Menschen Liebe und Lebensfreude zu schenken. Das war seine Mission.”

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