
RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 01.02.2011 20:02
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Lady Gaga Fans fordern Michael Jackson Fans heraus

01.02.11 - 10:40

Es gibt einen freundschaftlichen Wettkampf zwischen Michael Jackson Fans und Fans von Lady Gaga. Dieser Wettkampf hat angefangen, als David Ilan sich dazu entschlossen hat, neben seinem Kunstwerk des Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait (www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com) noch ein weiteres, vergleichbares Kunstwerk von Lady Gaga zu machen.

Ilan sagt: "Die Tribute Portraits sind komplett separat zu sehen und haben nichts miteinander zu tun. Beide Projekte benötigen jeweils 1 Million Fans, die sich als Punkt daran beteiligen. Nun gibt es einen Wettkampf, welches Portrait die 1 Million Fans zuerst voll hat."

Ilan ist dafür bekannt, dass er per Hand jeden einzelnen Punkt des Portraits zeichnet und jeder Punkt steht für eine echte Person. Die Teilnahme am Projekt ist kostenlos.

Gaga Fans haben das Tribute Portrait von Michael Jackson gesehen und Ilan gefragt, ob man für Lady Gaga auch ein solches Portrait erstellen könne. Ilan hat dem zugestimmt, wird sich aber erst an die Arbeit machen, sobald sich 250.000 Fans von Lady Gaga dafür registriert haben.

Lady Gaga Fans sind sich sicher, dass sie die 1 Million Fans zuerst zusammen bekommen. Allerdings haben die Michael Jackson Fans einen viel größeren Vorsprung, der ausgebaut werden muss!

"Das Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait unterstützt Michael's Vermächtnis und Menschlichkeit", sagte Ilan. "Ich sehe auch die Werbung für das Lady Gaga Projekt. Beide Projekte sind einzigartig und wichtig und mit der Hilfe aller Fans kann man eine Menge Gutes in dieser Welt bewirken."

Quelle: sfgate.com, prweb.com & MJFC JAM


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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 01.02.2011 20:04
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Fans versuchen letzte Ruhestätte zu betreten

Zwei Michael Jackson Fans hatten letzte Woche einen besonderen Plan ausgedacht, um an Michael Jacksons Grab zu gelangen. Sie haben den Wachmännern auf dem Friedhof glaubhaft gemacht, dass sie die nicht registrierte Gedenkstätte des indischen Gurus Yogananda besuchen möchten.

Es hat bis zu dem Punkt funktioniert, bis die Fans in der Nähe von Michael Jacksons Grab entdeckt worden sind und dann aus diesem Teil des Parks verbannt worden sind. Ein Mitarbeiter der Verwaltung sagt: "Sie durften nicht in das Mausoleum und wurden gebeten, diesen Teil des Parks zu verlassen."

Michael Jacksons letzte Ruhestätte darf nur von seinen Familienmitgliedern und engen Freunden besucht werden.

Quelle: postchronical.com & MJFC JAM

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 01.02.2011 23:14
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

Zitat von Dirty Diana
Lady Gaga Fans fordern Michael Jackson Fans heraus

01.02.11 - 10:40

Es gibt einen freundschaftlichen Wettkampf zwischen Michael Jackson Fans und Fans von Lady Gaga. Dieser Wettkampf hat angefangen, als David Ilan sich dazu entschlossen hat, neben seinem Kunstwerk des Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait (www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com) noch ein weiteres, vergleichbares Kunstwerk von Lady Gaga zu machen.

Ilan sagt: "Die Tribute Portraits sind komplett separat zu sehen und haben nichts miteinander zu tun. Beide Projekte benötigen jeweils 1 Million Fans, die sich als Punkt daran beteiligen. Nun gibt es einen Wettkampf, welches Portrait die 1 Million Fans zuerst voll hat."

Ilan ist dafür bekannt, dass er per Hand jeden einzelnen Punkt des Portraits zeichnet und jeder Punkt steht für eine echte Person. Die Teilnahme am Projekt ist kostenlos.

Gaga Fans haben das Tribute Portrait von Michael Jackson gesehen und Ilan gefragt, ob man für Lady Gaga auch ein solches Portrait erstellen könne. Ilan hat dem zugestimmt, wird sich aber erst an die Arbeit machen, sobald sich 250.000 Fans von Lady Gaga dafür registriert haben.

Lady Gaga Fans sind sich sicher, dass sie die 1 Million Fans zuerst zusammen bekommen. Allerdings haben die Michael Jackson Fans einen viel größeren Vorsprung, der ausgebaut werden muss!

"Das Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait unterstützt Michael's Vermächtnis und Menschlichkeit", sagte Ilan. "Ich sehe auch die Werbung für das Lady Gaga Projekt. Beide Projekte sind einzigartig und wichtig und mit der Hilfe aller Fans kann man eine Menge Gutes in dieser Welt bewirken."

Quelle: sfgate.com, prweb.com & MJFC JAM


ich bin auch ein DOT Nummer 248975

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 02.02.2011 03:52
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

MJ Producer Dropped From Wrongful Death Suit

Michael Jackson's producer of the "This Is It" tour just got a break in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson -- he's been dropped as a defendant ... TMZ has learned.
Kenny Ortega was sued by Katherine, who claimed he was part of AEG's alleged plan to give Michael anything he needed in order for him to perform.

Katherine's lawyer, Kevin Boyle, tells TMZ, "Based on recently discovered information, the Jackson family has determined that Mr. Ortega should not be a defendant," adding, "The Jackson Family apologizes for any discomfort or inconvenience this may have caused Mr. Ortega."

It's always a discomfort to be sued for wrongful death.


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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 03.02.2011 15:19
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Alex Gernandt

Editor-in-Chief, Bravo Magazine

We honored Alex Gernandt with a dot in Michael’s heart, honoring his consistent positive portrayal over the years. He has a decades long history of writing truly journalistic material. Alex has met with and written about Michael for a long time, and his stories have always been honest and tasteful.


Hier geht weitert zum ganzen Text

In Frankfurt bei Dieter Wiesner waren sie auch

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 03.02.2011 16:39
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Tanzlehrer will Rekord im Dauer-Moonwalk

Eppingen - Ob es fürs Guinessbuch gelangt hat, weiß er noch nicht. Auf jeden Fall hat Michael Frank bei seinem Weltrekordversuch in Eppingen lange durchgehalten. Mehr als zweieinhalb Stunden lang machte der 25-Jährige den Moonwalk, jenen Schlurfschritt, den Michael Jackson berühmt gemacht hat.

Das Videomaterial ging nach London. In ein paar Wochen weiß der Tanzlehrer, ob er sich Weltrekordhalter im Ausdauer-Moonwalk nennen darf. ah/Foto: Pfäffle

da dann wuenschen wir ihm mal viel Glueck das es geklappt hat

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 03.02.2011 19:11
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Karen Faye claims she was threatened during Michael’s last week of rehearsals

day Karen Faye posted the following statement on Twitter:

Some people keep bringing up that I was reporting on my FB how excited and great rehearsals were. This was true. All was going really well IN THE BEGINNING. Everything went terribly wrong the week before Michael’s death. I was being threatened to STAY OF THE INTERNET when I started trying to get my superiors to get help for Michael. They promised me they had hired the best doctor in the world for him…AND THEN HE WAS DEAD!!!!!


sources: LMJFA, Karen Faye via Twitter

Ich kann diese Frau nicht leiden

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 04.02.2011 00:15
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

Karen oh gott .... ich mag sie auch nicht ....

wenn die schon den Mund aufmacht, ist das schon gelogen....

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 05.02.2011 05:55
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Twitter Statements von Randy Jackson & Karen Faye

In Bezug auf die News von gestern, dass Kenny Ortega von Katherine Jacksons Klage gegen AEG ausgeschlossen wurde und der Aussage von Katherines Anwalts, dass sich die Jackson Familie bei entschuldige für allfällige Unannehmlichkeiten, die Herr Ortega damit bereitet wurden, wollte Randy Jackson auf Twitter etwas klarstellen. Nämlich, dass es nicht richtig sei, dass die Jackson Familie als Ganzes sich bei Kenny Ortega entschuldige. Kenny und AEG seien besessen gewesen, die Show rauszubringen und hätten sich nicht um Michaels Gesundheit gekümmert bzw. hätten die Familie nicht davon in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass es Michael nicht gut ging. Manchmal, so Randy, habe Michael geweint, so schlecht sei es ihm gegangen.

Karen Faye (Michaels langjährige Visagistin) hat ebenfalls etwas klären wollen: Ja, es stimme, was sie ursprünglich auf Facebook gesagt habe, nämlich dass die Proben grossartig verliefen. Aber eine Woche vor Michaels Tod sei alles ploetzlich sehr, sehr schief gelaufen. Karen berichtete, wie sie ihre Vorgesetzten darum bitten wollte, Hilfe kommen zu lassen, weil es Michael so schlecht ging, aber diese „versprochen hatten, dass sie den besten Arzt der Welt angestellt hatten. Und eine Woche später war Michael tot.“ Zwar hat Karen nicht explizit gesagt, wer ihre Vorgesetzten waren, aber vom Zusammenhang her, müssen es wohl Leute von AEG gewesen sein.

Quellen: jackson.ch, twitter.com

ja,ja...... wers glaubt wird sehlig

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 05.02.2011 09:52
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

Karen ist doch unmöglich, warum bittet sie ihre Vorgesetzen? So´n Quatsch.... warum hat sie sich nicht selbst um hilfe bemüht????

Ich glaube Randy ist (neben Janet) der einzige der verstanden hat um was es hier geht!!!
und zwar das die Michael ausgeschlachtet haben, auf jede nur erdenkliche weise....

dem Rest der Familie war, und ist, doch nur Geld wichtig

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 06.02.2011 18:21
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Travis Payne Lives to Dance: Choreographer with Michael Jackson 16 years, Now on CBS show with Paula Abdul

For 16 years, Travis Payne worked with Michael Jackson on numerous projects. In fact, he was working with Jackson and Kenny Ortega on the This Is It Tour, till the tragic day Jackson was rushed to the hospital and subsequently passed away. As a choreographer, producer and director, Payne has worked with everyone from Madonna to Lady Gaga to Beyonce.

Payne got his big break as a dancer for Janet Jackon’s Rhythm Nation Tour. His career took off from there. He tells CYInterview he had always set out to do something of significance. His focus and drive are the reasons he has a track record of working with numerous marquee names.

“My mother will tell you if you ever meet her, this is one of her stories, but I would always say that I’m gonna work with Michael Jackson and Prince and Janet Jackson and Debbie Allen and Paula Abdul and I got to do that. It was really sort of just trusting in my instincts and being at the right place at the right time and being prepared for the opportunities when they came along, but having a focus. As I got older, I really came to understand more what that meant.

Payne’s currently starring, alongside Paula Abdul, on the CBS show Live to Dance. He says that he and Paula go back a long way and this is a project they were both ready to take on.

“Paula and I have known each other for many years. My very first audition in L.A. was for a Paula Abdul project in that I got to choreograph a few of her videos with her throughout the years. So I was very happy that this was gonna be like a full circle for us in our relationship in that we had both grown so much since first meeting and that it was really going to be the fruits of all of our hard work over the years independently that would make us a strong unit.”

Travis worked with Madonna on the Power of Goodbye video. The song was featured on the Material Girl’s Ray of Light Album. The game of chess is featured in the video. Payne says Madonna didn’t know how to play the game. The dancer first met Madonna in Mexico when her tour and Michael Jackson’s tour were taking place at the same time.

“She was very about the business, very to the point and very cordial in that working environment… She didn’t know how to play chess. It was a chess game in the video that we were creating and she didn’t know how to play chess or at least she said she didn’t and she wanted me to show her how to play chess. So I was showing her what I knew and it was pretty cool. We pulled it off. I had met her before in Mexico, but we never worked together. She was doing The Girlie Show and I was on tour with Michael for the Dangerous Tour. So all of the dancers would go back and forth to each other’s shows while we were there together that week and I met her first there at one of her concerts.”

Owing to Michael Jackson’s tragic passing, fans would never get to see his This Is It show. Payne tells us there were going to be many amazing surprises. Everyone from Diana Ross to Mariah Carey was going to sing and perform with Michael during the show’s run at the O2 Arena in London.

Travis confided to me after the interview that it was going to be the greatest show ever and there are many surprises that were planned that people still don’t know about.

Though still early in her career, Jackson had let Travis know that he wanted to even invite Lady Gaga to perform with him. Who knows what the performance would’ve been like, but it would have aligned, in some way, the King of Pop and the Poker Face singer.

“I was working on This Is It with Michael Jackson and we were creating a shortlist of artists we were gonna invite to appear with Michael on the show at several events and different occasions. After we had gotten to the end of the list, we had of course Janet and Diana Ross and Justin Timberlake and Usher and Missy Elliot and Teddy Riley, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and a lot of people that he loved, artists. We got to the end of the list and I said, is there anybody else you add and he said, yeah. I said, who? Lady Gaga. I go really? He said, yeah, she’s cool and I said, ok.

At that time, I wasn’t familiar. I think Gaga had put out Poker Face. It was still early on at her success. And I said really? He said, yeah, she’s cool. You gotta get into her. And I said, ok. So that was really my sort of introduction to her. As you know, we wouldn’t get to do This Is It, but shortly after we completed all of the memorial services for Michael, I got a call from Lady Gaga. We had a discussion about her show and it just blew me away. I told her the story about how Michael had said that he wanted to invite her to sing with him in his show and of course she was so moved and humbled and then that’s how I met her. She just sort of called out of the blue. So I’d like to think Michael had everything to do with that.”

During his 16 year run working with Jackson, Travis felt spoiled because he says there was never anything creatively that couldn’t be tried. There were never any budget issues. Only a lack of time or something not yet having been created would prevent them from doing something they wanted to do.

“I had the wonderful pleasure of working with Michael for 16 years. First, as a dancer and ultimately as his associate director and producer as well as choreography partner for This Is It and everything that the project turned out to be and I’m forever grateful to him for all the opportunities throughout the years…Being able to create with Michael on such a high level where you don’t run into the normal issues with budgets or excess or not being able to realize a vision. The only thing that was the deterrent was time.”

I asked Travis when the last time he saw Michael Jackson was. “Was it shortly before the Gloved One’s passing?” Mr. Payne recalls the entire event like it was yesterday. He tells us they parted saying, “I love you” to each other.

“The last time I saw Michael was June 24th. The evening, we had finished rehearsal and we had completed the show, all the beats were there and we were waiting on a few sort of components that would be used for the set and things like that and we were just about to leave the following week for London for a series of rehearsals there before opening. The evening before his passing, I saw him and we had a rehearsal and he was leaving. Just in true Michael Jackson fashion, as he’s leaving, we pass each other and always it was just a regular occurrence. You pass him in the hall or you pass him walking and you say, ‘I love you.’

Most times he’ll say I love you first. That was the exchange, always. So we did that. I said, ok, see you tomorrow. He said, ok, see you at two o’clock and that was our time. We always met for This Is It and often times for other things. There was something about that time that was good and that was really it. Last thing he said to me was I love you. So I’m grateful for that and that was the last thing I said to him. So I’ll remember that forever as one of my sort of favorite moments that was the last thing we said to each other and we meant it.”

As someone who worked closely with Michael in the last months of his life, on rehearsals for the This Is It tour, Payne states there was nothing out of the ordinary about Michael’s health and that Jackson was busier than ever working with everybody to perfect the show. Many people wonder how the King of Pop was doing in those last months of his life. Travis says he’s still shocked that Michael passed away.

“Michael was certainly building himself back to what he would say was getting ready for his fight. He’d liken himself to a boxer. So we were training. He was working closely with his vocal coach, he was working closely with Kenny [Ortega] and I and the production team, realizing this, and the dancers, and his trainer, his nutritionist and he was doing all those things that he usually did. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to me. It was a different experience because he was a father, so his time was used differently this time, but there was a structure and that he had put in place for himself.

He created his own schedule and we facilitated and worked with him on every single minute that he was available and he was sort of just so happy about all of it. He was happiest when he was creating. So it was so surprising to me that there was anything a matter with his health. He had passed every physical. He was working. He was showing up. He was doing his thing…It was an on going sort of a task to put this show together and he was at the helm of it all. So I just when so shocked like the rest of the world when he died. I still am in shock.”

Travis Payne told me he has not been called on to be a witness, testify or provide information for Dr. Conrad Murray’s trial. As for his future, Travis is hoping for it to be creative, productive and fulfilling. He is definitely a dream achiever.

You can find more out about Live to Dance clicking here

Travis Payne’s official website is at http://travispayne.net/


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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 07.02.2011 04:27
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Video: Usher pays tribute to Michael Jackson in London O2 Arena

Usher Live in Concert

Nach seinem Kollaps vor einigen Wochen in Berlin, ist Usher nun wieder oben auf und hatte sich in die O2-Arena nach London begeben!

Sein Konzert hat er dem verstorbenen “King Of Pop” Michael Jackson gewidmet, der vor seinem überraschenden Tod eigentlich an selber Stelle auftreten wollte oder sollte.

Während der Show sagte Usher, “Es ist eine Ehre an diesem Ort zu spielen, wo wir uns alle darauf gefreut haben, eine Legende performen zu sehen, aber der es traurigerweise nicht geschafft hat bis dahin -- ich würde gern ein Tribut auf diesen Mann performen.”

Usher bekam ein paar glitzernder Schuhe auf die Bühne gebracht und fragte in die Menge, “Ladies und Gentleman, habe ich die Erlaubnis diese Schuhe auszufüllen?”

Hat er! Wie das aussah, könnt ihr euch in folgendem Video anschauen.


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zuletzt bearbeitet 07.02.2011 14:54 | nach oben springen


RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 07.02.2011 12:53
von keep-michaeling | 2.250 Beiträge | 2241 Punkte

na hoffentlich kackt er das nicht so ab wie bei seinem Konzert(en) in Berlin

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 07.02.2011 14:55
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

KA was da in Berlin genau passiert ist ..darum will ich nichts dazu sagen

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RE: der Michael News Ticker

in Michael - News & Talk 10.02.2011 01:56
von Dirty Diana | 2.830 Beiträge | 2744 Punkte

Chris Brown und Jamie Foxx sollten Michael am dem Tag sehen er starb

Chris Brown and Jamie Foxx were on their way to see Michael rehearse for his final tour on the afternoon he died, it has been revealed. Chris Brown shared the story with US magazine, Nylon. Brown said that he and Jamie Foxx were on their way to Staples Centre in Downtown Los Angeles to see Michael practice his dance routines for the This Is It tour on June 25, 2009, the afternoon that Michael died.

He said, “Me and Jamie Foxx were going to see him and someone called and they were like ‘Hold up. He didn’t show up yet’. And then we got the call later and it was devastating.”

Christ Brown has been a lifelong fan of Michael.
sources: LMJFA, M&C, Nylon


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